A question(or2) re the history of the Chronosplit and A&F...
I own a '75 Chronosplit cal.100.705(GP case/metal bracelet). It is signed Abercrombie&Fitch Co on the lower part of the dial. I am not the original owner. After some initial battery problems, it has been fully functioning now for just over a month. One of my "Covid" tasks has been servicing/returning to service much of my "stuff", including watches that haven't been powered in many years.
My question pertains to the history of this model's affiliation with A&F. There seem to be nothing written about it unlike their lengthy history with other mechanical Heuer models.
The buyer info page in the instruction booklet indicates that it was purchased, not from A&F, but from Heuer Time and Electronics in Springfield NJ in November 75.
There is some information written about the ecomonic status of A&F and it seems they fared poorly in that year posting huge losses.
Was this watch sent back to the distributor by them or never shipped to A&F? Perhaps a refurbished return?
There seems to be online interest in the Ferrari and Tiffany signed models. What others seller had their Chronosplits signed?