The November 2003 issue of International Wristwatch will feature an article about the oversized fake Heuers, taken from the OnTheDash article (which is linked below). This issue should be on the newsstands and in subscribers' mailboxes soon, but you can click on the cover (below) for a sneak preview - - -
Be sure to go out and buy a few DOZEN copies of International Wristwatch, and then buy subscriptions for ALL your friends. The magazine has been published for almost 15 years, but it is under new management, and they are making a fantastic effort to improve both the look and feel of the magazine, as well as the editorial content.
Gary George Girdvainis, the Editor-in-Chief, seems to be getting a bit of the Heuer bug, and I expect that he will be publishing additional pieces about Heuer (and TAG-Heuer) in the future. He is also attempting to add content for the "average collector" and he is very interested in vintage chronographs. Sounds like our kind of guy!!
Several of our OnTheDash "regulars" contributed photographs of their chronographs to the article, so thanks to Charles, Larry, Konrad, Greg and Pascal for those photographs. Thanks to Jack Heuer and Chuck Maddox for the editorial suggestions. Thanks to several "sources" for much of the information in the article . . . you know who you are!!
Buy the magazine . . . enjoy the article!!