Your suggestions and information have been amazing, and I have produced a Revised Draft of the Price Guide.
Now, it's almost time for International Watch magazine to "go to press" with the Price Guide, and I need your final suggestions between now and Thursday night (Atlanta time). So please look at the Price Guide, and see whether you have any watches that should be added, or any prices that should be changed.
The requirements to be in the Price Guide are simple. We are trying to list every Heuer chronograph
- that sells for at least $1,800, and
- that you could reasonably expect to find, in one year of diligent searching.
I know that I need additional information regarding the Chronosplits; I am still working through a couple of your suggestions; still, I beleive that I have covered most of the suggestions that have come from our readers.
So please post your messages to make your comments and suggestions! Or you can send me an e-mail message with your ideas.