Whoa!!!!!!! What a firestorm I have created. Someone here did make a real point that I did not take into consideration. This is a heuer site not a tag heuer site. But before I go any further let me change a word. From now on more word fake but now its replica. People tend to think buying a replica means some really poorly made watch that you will get from someone on a street corner. This is far from the case. I have purchased a few quality replicas from the net. These watches have kept amazing time and really held up. But you need to know what you are looking for because there is crap out there. Now as far as longevity i have had a replica monaco for 4 years and have had no problems with and lord know I have been hard on it. Now the Origional cost $2000.00 and mine was $135.00 so if I have to replace say every 5 years which i doubt I will, it is still more cost effective. Now there is a problem with replica tag heuers and that is the people that trying to sell them on auction sites as real. If you are seeing them for $500-$2000 then that is wrong but if you see one for less then a $100.00 then you know it is not real so it is ok to purchase. That is where i bought my first replica and I was not dumb enough to think it was real. so beware of that but anything else go for it.