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Summer Montreal...

Well, this Summer has been a bumper season for me. I've acquired quite a few lovely pieces, but there is one that stands out...
A while ago - maybe a year, I got my hands on a black dial Montreal, in a bad state. It sat for a while at the back of a drawer, until I decided to wear it. One weekend, I was visiting my Mom, I was in a touchy mood. There was the possibility of my office being shut down, with my job going too.. which was nagging at the back of my mind. Anyway, my poor Mom fell victim of a bit of an outburst from me.. she didn't understand something, I got wound up and I ended up getting irate.. it ended up with me slamming my hand down HARD on the coffee table and generally being a bit of an a***hole.
The watch pinged off the strap & stopped working... typically, my poor Mom immediately offered to pay for the repair, even though it wasn't her fault. Obviously I wouldn't ever take a penny from her.

Later, after an apology to my dear Mom, I sent the Montreal off to Abel. In the meantime I sent a few others off to him, so he kept it safe until all the others were ready, then I sent another.. he kept it safe. I also thought about my behaviour, and the way that it's easy to lash out at those close to you. Anyway, this Summer, it was returned, in a beautiful state. It reminds me not to be a dick, and now is one of my favourite Heuers, when I wear it, I think of my Mom, and the way she has put up with me over the years, forgiven me for being a knob many times, and that I have become a better person since my outburst. Oh, and my office move divisions and it's future cemented.

The watch.. it's not perfect, but that's why I love it...


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