I know I was already blamed for that ;-)
On the other hand, due to TAG Heuer, Bonhams, Heuer Chronographs, Onthedash, The international vintage Heuer Club, Vetroplastica, David in Hongkong, Jasper running to each fair, Rich with his book and many others who partly made a business out of their hobby, there is now a worldwide acceptance for the vinatge Heuer brand and it is a very hot one..
I am looking now for quite a time for a average carrera 72 even for restauration but can't find one...
: What's really frustrating in the post-Haslinger market is that so
: called 'dealers' keep referencing those prices as an indicator
: of what they think their beaten up examples are worth. It's
: happened to me 3 times in the last month. From my very limited
: knowledge, seems to me like for the next 12 months asking prices
: will be quite high, but the number of watches acutally being
: shifted will be quite low. From the hobbist dealers anyway.