Hi Mick
These are actual pictures of my watches. Let me explain this using cooking as an analogy. The raw ingredients are a nice picture of a watch plus either one or more other images mixed and blended together in Photoshop to produce the final offering. There is no recipe and just like in cooking, you taste as you go along but in my case its my visual perception and preconceived idea that determines if it needs some more or less of this or that until I think it meets my expectation. Even though I may use the same ingredients and repeat the process it will never be the same as I do not save anything until I am happy with the end result. It may take up to 10, 20, 50 or more steps to produce an image and I don’t record these so it’s a spontaneous process. Photoshop is an amazing tool but like any media you need to a. know how it works and b. have a good idea of what you want to create in order to achieve some degree of success.