: Dear Mark,
Many thanks for your excellent comments. Great info...and I feel better about my find.
: A watch that's actually close enough in age to legitimately be
: called a pre-Carrera - I'm not sure the 2447s et al should be
: called that, as there is more of a disconnect between them and
: (the confusingly named) Carrera 2447. The tachy scale is more or
: less exactly as used on the first Carrera tachies too.
: They're not exceedingly rare but we don't see many of them - they
: were around at the end of the 50s and sold alongside the Autavia
: after that was launched, but the pretty much immediate success
: of the Carrera made them more or less redundant. So they had a
: run of 5 or 6 years, during which time production was slowly
: ramping up. There must be a few about, but there was a spate a
: few years back of amending the dial to say Carrera in an attempt
: to add (perceived) value. It might have caught out some of the
: unwary (there are a few otherwise notable collections that have
: or had one in, sometimes called "prototype" Carreras
: sadly), but by and large it just devalued the original watch.