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Six (very) quick suggestions
In Response To: new camera ()

You're off to a great start, with that last photo of your daughter being absolutely perfect!!
In terms of the watches, some pointers, from someone who has struggled mightily over the years (and is still not very good at it):

  1. camera must be steady -- tripod or magic arm
  2. need lots of light -- hot lights (always on) are easier to control than strobes / flashes
  3. light must be diffused -- not shining directly on the watch
  4. make the background interesting
  5. keep experimenting -- white dial with domed crystal may require entirely different set-up than black dial with flat crystal
  6. don't be afraid of manual settings on the camera -- play with the aperture, shutter speed, ISO setting, etc.
What you have now is very good . . . the challenge is to get to great!!

Shown below are some my own pairings -- set-up and resulting photo(s). Sometimes I long for that first little point and shoot and the single light bulb. The pros in the group know that I am just a hacker, and they can give you much better advice.

Our best photographers will tell you that the key is in the PhotoShop / post-production / processing, but I have never had the patience to do much in that realm. I am basically going from the camera to the internet, with the minimal steps in between.



: After receiving some complaints from people about the quality of my
: photos and my own desire to take some better pictures of my
: family - i decided to go out and purchase a new camera this
: weekend - it's fantastic but i certainly have some learning to
: do.

: but i wanted to share some early results:

: Still learning - but i'm pleased so far...

: and of course my favorite:


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