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Re: Here's a Barn Find - Rare 911 w/ Siffert History

Thanks for the kind words Abel

DDk has been a labour of love for the last 9 years.

We will be 10 at the end of next year so to celebrate we are running the DDK £10k for 10 years campaign. Basically raising £10,000 for a cancer charity who we have supported for many years.

It's going well and (with money pledged but not paid yet) we are nearly half way there

If we make it we will have raised about £40,000 for them since the club started.

: Hello Thomas,

: Impressive story! I follwed the story ever since you placed a link
: here on OTD a while back.

: Nice work with your website too...I'm an amateur when it comes to
: Porsches (a real newby)'s a dream car both for me and my
: wife.

: Oh well...the house we built is coming along good and the kids
: doing great...I have to work hard, but eventually a Porsche will
: be on our only will take me some more years to buy
: ;-)

: Nobody has ChronoMatic Siffert for sale that needs such kind of
: restoration?? LoL

: Keep up the good work,
: abel.

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