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Re: This is one for tonight, 19:45 GMT

: This is a new arrival, really enjoying it. Although I have owned
: one or two Heuers in my time, I have never owned a Bund. I
: really like it. It came on a regulation bund strap but I like it
: on the NATO, more comfortable for the summer.

: Has to be this watch for tonight, when the eyes of the world (other
: than the US) are on two German teams playing in the European
: Champions League final. Hoping Bayern will win because they were
: robbed last year by the most abject display of negative football
: by a team which cost a billion euros to assemble. Disgrace (by
: Chelsea) and by the football gods to allow it to happen. And
: secondly, I'm an Arsenal supporter, and as Arsenal came closest
: to knocking Bayern out, I'll feel better (through the usual
: twisted football fans logic) about a very mediocre season for
: Arsenal.


I`m hopeing Dortmund bud, purely as they don`t have the financial clout of Munich and also because they share the YNWA song.....i`m a Liverpool fan, think both Arsenal and the Pool need to be better next season.

Enjoy the game,

James :)
: But having said that, Dortmund also deserve it for the quality of
: the their football and philosophy of the club. So should be a
: good match.


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