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In Response To: Thank You All! ()

: I grew up the son of a Professor of mathematics who was a collector
: of watches and a fine amateur photographer. There is a picture
: of me in a baby carriage going to the pawn shops in Manhattan
: with him and at 7 or 8 years of age he said he would give me a
: Kodak Retina 35mm camera if I would learn to develop my own
: film. The mathematics did not rub off on me as it did on my
: brothers but the watches and cameras did. I am really proud to
: be able to make a living at this stage of my life doing the two
: things I love best...taking pictures and buying and
: selling....and occasionally (probably too often) keeping
: watches. Many of the watches I keep these days are Heuers so
: thanks to you all for being my mentors in that area.

: Best,

: JohnCote

....keep on sharing this kind of stuff we all love/enjoy!

I also do even if a being a woman, those sensations on the track are unique, the smell of oil, the powerful roaring of engines, the smoke etc... All thrilling feelings that couldn't be too far from vintage watches.

It's all about engines and beauty!

Thanks for this art in your beautiful pictures ;)

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