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Alligator strap (non Heuer)

I bought an alligator strap and a black/white stitch leather one from The Watch Boys 6-7 months ago. The honey brown gator strap just plain disapointed me and I left it in my box of boxes and tools. I got it out a week ago and put it on the PAM164. It was too plain. It looked like a piece of gator-grain stamped leather. Lifeless with only one color tone.
I bought some beeswax and melted it in a double boiler then added about an equal amount of olive oil. I poured it into a jelly jar and it's now a great polish that also darkens the leather due to the oil. Now this TWB boring strap looks great! I wish I had a before picture, the one on TWB site makes it look better than it really does in person.

Here's the image from TWB, mine did not have this much character and was the same color. It was a simple fix and made this strap a real bargain.

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