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Hello folks,
dear friends,
and fellow members

I am quite surprised noboby has written yet about our wonderful stay in lovely, sunny Switzerland .... and reported safe return home.

So I will be first, to let you know that my 1968 "Scandinavian time-machine" has brought me home safely.

My GPS was an old-fashioned map ... some of you may remember we used to use those to travel from one city or place to another. You could look up streets, larger and smaller ones, indicated by different colors, and you could drive someplace without having to listen to some strange lady you don't even know telling you to turn right soon, to turn right in 200m, and then to remind you, in case you had forgotten or could not judge the distance, to TURN RIGHT NOW. .....

By the way, thanks guys, I appreciated the kind words and comments I received for taking my old Volvo to the summit. I just thought it would be the right kind of automobile suiting the occasion among "vintage lovers", and yes, I know, some of you own Heuers with Volvo-dials ;-) .....

Though I've said it before, in the beautiful restaurant of the Auberge on Monday, I feel like mentioning it again here: A big THANK YOU to Paul, Ron and Abel! You organized a wonderful event, which turned out to be, at least IMHO, i.e. in my humble opinion, even better than expected. A great job, an amazing experience ! Well done !!

And a big MERCI BEAUCOUP again to the PR-department of TAG (first to mention is Fabienne, but also to Marie and Alessia) who all made us feel so welcome and comfortable during the stay. (Please give my sincere regards and MERCI, THANK YOU, DANKE to Mr. Jack Heuer too. What a pleasure it was listening to him!)

I have met so many new people and fellow members of our OTD-community - while Jeff was unfortunately missing ... letting his daughter choose THIS weekend for her marriage ... how could she !? :-/

But among the many, there have been a few I like to mention, because I want you to know I felt very pleased not only meeting you, but really TALKING to you, and not only about watches.

There were the two Danish, Peter and Jan : I hope you returned well after your long journey back. It was a pleasure talking, and I think it was great that you stayed to the very end, even though you had such a long drive ahead of you.

Gianni, the Naval Officer from Belgium : Thanks for showing me those wonderful in-flight pics, and for sharing stories about planes and our vintage cars. ;-)

Mark, our famous "Carrera-man", who, by the way, speaks German very well. Nice dialect, you picked up there, in beautiful Bavaria ! ;-) Hope you had a good trip home. Wir sehen uns mal bei einem Bier, oder zwei... in Deutschland, OK?

A special HELLO to all the members that flew over from the U.S. ! Guys, great you made it !!

And, I just CAN'T resist mentioning ... an extra hug and greeting to "our teacher" ... MORGAN! Those of you that had not left before Tuesday, and went to see the dial-factory with us ... You will know, I suppose, why Morgan gets a special mentioning ;-) For those who couldn't join us .... Morgan drove there with a RED SEATBELT on ... then played our teacher in class, while we waited for the representative of the dial-factory, Artecad ... allowed questions ... and made many of us wonder ..... ;-) LOL (Morgan, dude : I hope you don't get me wrong and you're not upset with me. Yes, OK, I was teasing and joking with you ... But I like you a lot ! Cheers!! Oh, and guess what: During my drive home, the old radio played "Do ya think I'm SEXY" (Rod Stewart) ... so I thought of you instantly ... )

Oh, some more to mention, but I realize it takes too long now ... and I might be boring you already.

Too bad my amigo PETER, from Phoenix/Arizona, wasn't with us.

Pedro, you would've had such a great time ... Hasta luego ;-) See you soon !

Dear HEUERisti -- it was a great pleasure, honor and privilege to be there with all of you,


see you next time,

best regards and wishes,




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