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Surely Your Wife Realizes . . .

Surely your wife, of all people, must realize that it was Marie who situated herself under your arm, with her arm on your leg . . . I mean your wife must understand the force of your presence / your looks / your magnetism!!



: I showed my wife this photo this morning when we woke up - as she
: was already asleep when I arrived home at 1am -

: My wife - this is really cool!

: me - yeah awesome - that's jack Heuer in the middle

: My wife - I gathered that, soooo... who is the blonde with her arm
: resting on your knee?

: Me - oh that's Marie - one of the PR personel at Tag, she led some
: of the tours

: My Wife - why do you have her arm around her?

: Me - c'mon I have my arm around morgan on the other side, does that
: imply anything?

: My wife - why couldn't you kneel next to one of the 28 other guys
: in this photo?

: Me - I'm late I have to go to work

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