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Re: Warren, see my comments above.. And..

Thanks Warren.
Yes, the booklet that you showed in the photo looks legit, from what I can see. Problem is, it is for a different model, you said it had the Ref. No on it, which is for a wristwatch from the well documented Golden Hours series from the mid 80s, so it's safe to say the booklet does not belong withthe pocket watch.
I have that brochure, I'll check it tomorrow.

The gold foil shield on the inside if the box is vexing, Heuer never used that type of design on boxes, you see it on the booklet, but never like that.

Further research is needed, certainly that pocket watch is not familiar. I'll check the brouchure and get back to you.
Can you tell me if there are ANY markings on the case? Do you have a movement photograph, and more photos of the booklet, showing it in it's entirety.

- Heuerville

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