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And don't forget Major League Baseball . . .

We are blessed with national sports coverage in the US (college or professional) which certainly takes attention away from other sporting events, like the America's Cup. Even though the NFL season has begun, I personally will not become engrossed in football until the Major League Baseball season is over. With my beloved team, the Boston Red Sox, enjoying a totally unexpected banner year, I'll hopefully be pretty much ignoring NFL football action until early November (when the World Series is over). We love our sports here in the States and are fortunate to enjoy tons of nationally televised games. MLB.TV allows me to watch nearly all the Red Sox games on my computer or tablet (which I do), albeit for a subscription price. So, unfortunately, an exciting event like the America's Cup is up against a lot of "competition" for attention. That's a shame and I realize this event is really big news in other countries. We're not being disrespectful to the America's Cup, we're just too preoccupied (obsessed in my case) with following sports teams we've followed for years (since I was a kid) which happen to be at the height of their season (MLB) or at the exciting beginning (NFL) of their season.

: I agree with the analysis in this article. There is absolutely
: no coverage of this event in the usual media; I know of only one
: other friend who is following the event; yacht racing cannot
: compete with football here in the US of A.

: Jeff

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