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"Rush" One of the best

What a great movie. It will go down as one of, if not the top motorsports movies of all time. If anyone is having any doubts about seeing it, please do yourself a favor and go and see it in the theater. This is a movie that begs to be seen on the big screen. I had my baby sitter booked for a couple of months so that I could see it on Friday and I'm so glad that I did. The movie is a great mix of action, and plot/story. My wife even loved the movie, which is sort of rare.
Although I wasn't even born yet when the movie takes place, I'm rather well aware of that era of motorsport. It appears to me to have been well researched and period correct. As noted by frabrizio, I didn't notice any watches of significance, which is a slight bummer. Heuer on the other hand is well represented on the cars and fire suits.
I will go and see it again if I get a chance.
And the Heuer I wore and made me feel I was a part of the movie, if only ever so slightly;)

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