Indeed, I often shrug and shake my head at these accessory prices, but apparently there are buyers willing to accept them. The market is indeed the king. And if those accessories stop selling at those prices, the prices will come down. Good to see economics 101 reinforced here at OTD :)
: Little wonder then that some items (although none of the ones
: brought up as examples) stay on the market unsold for
: can be as scarce as one would like it to be, but
: the golden rule I learnt here and tried to apply also elsewhere:
: rarity (or age, for that matter) doesn't mean value - at least
: beyond a certain threshold.
: But if anyone wants to offer me 3000 EUR for my relatively scarce
: '80s blue box, they'll find me very eager to listen :-D - and
: surely willing to accept!
: Cheers
: Fabrizio