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Re: Heuer accessories.. daft prices

: Dean
: 100Euro for a full NOS Swatch Chronograph.....
: Maybe this one is your right Grail :-))


On Rolex vintage, some rare hand set:
- 3k Euro for a Big Crown set
- 4k Euro for a Milsub
- 0,8k Euro for a small GMT red hand
- 1,5k Euro full set Flat Gold GMT

6636 from end 50s-first60s: 2,5k
7206 same date, near same price

- 8-10k Euro or more for Bakelite GMT
- 3,5k Euro for a red triangle
- 1k Euro for a Long Five

- mk0 also called MILLEIRGHE 2,5-3k Euro each one!!!

That's are the (strong) rules of world wide vintage collectors market
and of course, we mean ORIGINALS and pretty condition !!

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