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Re: unfair seller Autavia 2446
In Response To: unfair seller Autavia 2446 ()

Hello Ron,

hmmm, interesting story.
Thank you for informing us. I think I remember this offer (but refused).
What I want to add is,
I think it's very honorable thank you admit in your P.S. that you got 'emotional' ... You didn't need to tell us.
IMHO, this makes me appreciate your post even more. I find it quite honest.
These posts, let's call it "potential buyers BEWARE", help us here on OTD at times.
So, thank you!
Best regards to the NL :-)
Next vacation there coming up soon ;-)


: Hi Guys,

: For those who are watching Ebay 251362128042, be aware of the
: seller.

: Four weeks ago, after his first auction was ended because nobody
: wanted to pay the price, I contacted him and made him an offer
: which he accepted. We agreed on price and state of the watch.

: Then , he informed that he would only sell the watch if I would
: pick it up personally. The guy is located 500 km from where I
: live. And, only cash payment. I told him that I was not able to
: drive that distance on short term and that I was not willing to
: send cash. I proposed to him to ask one of our fellow collectors
: ( was also in Chaux de Fonds last september) to accept the watch
: and pay on my behalf. I had found out that they lived approx 50
: km from each other. The seller agreed to that. Our fellow
: collector was so friendly to be the intermediate.

: Then, out of the blue, his phone line was disconnected. I sent him
: mails, but it took more than a week until he reacted. :
: "the problem will be solved within a month" he mailed
: me.
: It took more than 2 weeks until he came back with a meeting
: proposal with our fellow collector: "the day after tomorrow
: I would be able to visit him with the watch". Fairly short
: notice one would say, and, yes indeed, our fellow collector was
: not able to see him then. It was a working day This happened one
: other time when "he was not able in the end to visit".

: This went on and on, until last Monday when he relisted the watch
: without informing me

: Guys, be cautious with this person. You have seen my story and I am
: fed up with him. Hopefully you will be luckier.
: To me he is unprofessional, not honouring agreements. He simply
: regretted the agreement and tries to get more for the watch now.

: Contact me if you need more info.

: Ron

: PS and yes, I got emotional to him by email ,which I regret, but he
: asked for it...

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