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Re: just an uneducated idea
In Response To: Re: just an uneducated idea ()

: I hear you bud, and why you say makes sense to those 'non watch'
: situations.. but bear in mind these marks on 3 watches are
: directly above the lume, and the pattern mimics the lume
: perfectly.. I don't know if you can see, but on my Monnin, you
: can even make out the circular clouding and rectangular clouding
: above the lume markers of those shapes.

: If it were simply fumes, then it would be a more even clouding of
: the glass?? I don't know, but it is interesting!!

: Stewart
: - Heuerville

Hello Stewart,

I'v had this on my bordeaux Silverstone, from different angels the glas was misty.
My watchmaker said this comes from fresh oiling, he cleaned the glass, since that no problem.


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