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Re: Crown and Caliber: Shift from Purchase to Consignment

Jeff - Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate the post. Ever since we began offering Modern Consignment, our business has grown significantly. I think the reason is simple. As opposed to working against the customer as is traditionally the case with a "watch broker" or a dealer, we work for the customer. I would invite anyone on the forum to test us out by receiving a complimentary estimate of any watch they are interested in selling:

- Hamilton Powell
CEO, Crown & Caliber

: Crown and Caliber is just a couple of miles from me, here in
: Atlanta. I have visited them often, and always enjoyed Hamilton
: and his entire crew.

: Indeed, when they were purchasing for their own account and then
: reselling (we can compare this to a "dealer" model),
: there was the inherent conflict of being across the table from
: the customer / client. Leads to some interesting hypotheticals
: about the guys who send a photo of an old Heuer that says
: "Chronomatic" across the top of the dial or the Rolex
: with the odd "Comex" or red lettering on the dial.
: Even apart from these treasures, there is the question of what
: is an "honest profit" or reasonable margin, and what
: might be abusive.

: With the shift from the purchase model to the consignment model,
: Crown & Caliber seems to have fully aligned its interests
: with the interests of its customers (more of a brokerage model).
: Both parties are seeking to expose the watch to the most
: prospective purchasers and achieve the highest price.

: For the "average Joe", selling a vintage or pre-owned
: watch is a pain in the butt -- check out the watch; make any
: needed repairs; take the photos; write a description; do the
: listing; pack the watch; fill in Customs papers (and decide how
: you feel about Customs fraud, for the benefit of a stranger);
: deal with PayPal or a credit card company; etc. I believe that
: the Crown and Caliber model, of offering the full range of
: services for a fee based primarily on a percentage of proceeds,
: is a sound model.

: Stay tuned for more on Crown and Caliber . . .

: Jeff

: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


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