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Seconded!! Love the Wabi on These
In Response To: wabi for me ()

I look at the mint one, and think that it is nearly perfect . . . almost untouched . . . might have spent the last 50 years in a drawer or bank safe.

I look at the distressed one, and am intrigued by the life that it must have lived. What combination of sun, air, heat, cold, moisture, etc. have given it this look? Where and how did it have this exposure? Yes, I like my Seafarers with a little bit of the sea in them!!

Thanks for posting this one . . . interesting to see the watches and learn about the preferences of the collectors.



: Actually I assumed everyone would go for the wabi one, so I am
: quite surprised. I love the faded dial and how it changes with
: the light. I love the sharp case.

: One little factor I left out to even the scores is the wabi one is
: in the 57xxx range of the very first Carreras so very desirable
: for the "early model" nuts, and there are lots of
: those, as can be confirmed by anyone who tried to buy a first
: exec Autavia in the last few years…!

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