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Dramatic Christmas start

My christmas holiday got a dramatic start on Friday. My car was struck by lightning as I was driving to work. Out of nothing came a big flash and a bang. I was blinded for some seconds, all instruments was blinking and the radio died. I felt ok and drove to work.
I was wrong, i was not ok. In the afternoon I started to feel dizzie and shortbreathed.
Story short, I ended up in the emergancy room. And have been at the hospital since.
On my wrist was a newly arrived one owner Heuer Verona. I had the full historie of the watch, and I did certanly add some of mine :-).
The watch still runs fine. Some of the hairs on my arm close to the watch was burned.

It looks like I can go home today. I will write the full Verona story later.

Happy holidays to you all! I hope yours will be less dramatic than mine.


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