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Holy COW!
In Response To: any Rolex knowledge? ()

Okay, so I joined the Vintage Rolex Forum on advice from a couple of you. I thought I got a lot of offers to buy the Siffert! Not!! I have been amazed at the offers to buy/warnings not to sell too low on my bud's Daytona. It appears that it's in the $80-100k range.
And I was all like "WHAT?" I mean, I figured maybe $35k but I have been blown away.

He still wants to find the hand, restore it and wear it. I'm impressed - I believe I'd be weak and sell it for the numbers I have been hearing. Seems there's a Rolex guru just North of Atlanta, former factory guy. Should be easy to resolve.

I have stumbled into a couple of grails by accident. Only one is now mine. Wonder what's next? This is fun even if I don't own the watch!


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