Thanks for the kind comments. This has been an interesting project on a number of levels. Simplicity is the key as it takes no time at all to take the pictures, process them on the phone with Snapseed (a free download) and upload to any number of sites all in a matter of minutes and at times and place that are convenient for me. I guess I am just lazy and cannot be bothered to make the short walk to my shed where I have a mini studio set up. The foul weather doesn’t help and with all the rain the door has swelled up so I have a battle just to get in. I'll make that a summer project.
This new camera has also inspired me to make other pictures of a pictorial nature and something I have not done for three years or so. Now I know why the camera phone is the most popular camera in the world and when you have it in your pocket all the time its just so easy to snap away to your hearts content.