i think, that is the best we can do=>publish negativ selling behavior by names. we shall make a BLACKLIST, where we list all serious demonstrably negativ selling behaviors by their known names, here on CTF. so that this never gonna happen again!
i think that this is the most productive way, to protect us collectors here, from that kind of people!
in germany we say=>you dont throw good money, bad money behind! you both may have make "possible bargain damage", but pls dont make the bad money more, even the guy is in another country!
but=>a monaco for 1,5k$ by a known marketplace from 7,5k$? i mean..., come on and know you did it twice, js?! as i say=>we need some kind of blacklist, but we allso have need to take care of our selves. the world is just not a candy shop and the price for a 7,5k$ watch is just not 1,5k$. so simple as it is.
lets take it with a sweet smile on oure faces and let us publish a blacklist here on CTF. in the end, we are heuer-collectors!
just my 2 centz.
(sry 4 my bad eng.)