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My solution so far
In Response To: "What's your best price?" ()

The easy way to handle this is to do what I do...don't sell any watches. :-b
Of course, I'll have to eat these words one day. But I do agree with what all 3 of you (Stewart, Henrik and George) have posted. I scour the ads for interesting watches. I see a lot of sellers considering offers which is off-putting to me. I am concerned I may embarrass myself with my offer, or hurt the seller's feelings or worst of all, make an offer well over his "best price".

I dread the day I decide to sell my Heuer. I fear that as soon as an agreement is reached, someone will be a little too late and tell me they would've paid $X more. $X!!! That's a lot!

: Is it just me? What's your best answer? ;0)

: Stewart
: Heuerville

Current Position
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