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Re: Heuer 2447 Tachy
In Response To: Re: Heuer 2447 Tachy *PIC* ()

Hi Ross,

even if the crown should not be of the correct size and some more knowledgeable forum member might come to the conclusion that the hands are not the ones which were fitted to your watch when new:

All this can be fixed. Probably it might take some time to find the short hands. But I wouldn't worry about the authenticity, because the crown and the hands are Heuer parts, which - as Jeff suggested - were probably fitted during service. Your watch has a stunning dial and the case looks very 'sharp edged'.

I also look forward to the input of the experts on this forum. I will be on a trip to Italy the next 10 days, so don't be surprised if I should not reply as quickly as usual.


: Robert this is pic of serial number. I purchased this Carrera from
: a well known and respected Heuer collector who in turn had
: purchased it from a watchmaker in Belgium who was a long term
: owner . My vendor indicated this piece at one time appeared On
: The Dash and received positive reviews so I never had reason to
: question its authenticity . It will be good to clear up these
: questions re 2nd execution hands and crown ? Hope we get some
: input from others - appreciate your help so far Robert- very
: kind

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