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Re: I love this forum!
In Response To: I love this forum! ()

Thank you John for a wonderful time! My wife and I are very thankful for your generosity of spending time with us and showing us around Indy! We had such a great time and talk about having a private tour! John knows more about Indy than the people who work there! :) We were also lucky to see his amazing collection plus his mouth dropping photography over the years. Very impressive! Thank you again my friend and please do keep in touch when you are in LA!

I do also want to take a moment and thank Jeff and the OTD family. I have been blessed with meeting many great people from OTD throughout the world and today was no different with John. I highly suggest when you travel, to post on the forum and share where you will be going. The fellow collectors you meet and the experiences you have are priceless!

Thanks again John, Jeff and fellow OTD members

: So, about a week ago, Carlo S. posted a message here asking if
: there were any Heuer friends in Indy. We emailed back and forth
: and it turned out that he was going to be in town on one of the
: rare week days (lately) that I am actually home. Today Carlo,
: his lovely and brilliant wife and I got together for lunch and a
: tour of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Of course, a few
: watches were brought along and shown off. What a great time we
: had. Thanks Jeff Stein for getting collectors together on the
: friendliest and most civilized watch forum on the internet.

: JohnCote



: IN FRONT OF THE PAGODA AT IMS (John on the left and Carlo on the
: right):


: ON THE YARD OF BRICKS (Start Finish Line):


Current Position
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