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Fascinating Jeff...

Great piece Jeff and Kevin. We read so many articles and blogs about these watches we know and love, it is so refreshing to hear someone talk about them. (especially someone we know, and someone we know, who knows about them!)

It was comforting in some ways, to hear details I was familiar with, but there was always going to be a snippet or two (or three) of new and interesting information.

Who didn't pause it at least once when the camera panned down to the table?
Who didn't smile when Jeff said 'I just want a bad-ass watch.'?

I'm guilty of both.

Pleased the Camaros snuck in there too. :-)

Thanks Jeff, a great start to my Tuesday morning.


: Here you go . . .

: I hope that you enjoy this little tour of the collection / visit to
: OTD headquarters!!

: Jeff


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