Maybe it's old news for some of our readers, but I recently purchased a copy of a Special Edition of ArmbandUhren magazine that will be very interesting to our readers.
It was originally published in German; TAG-Heuer commissioned an English version; the German version seems to be appearing regularly on ebay, and is also available from the publisher; the English version is scarcer, but they also appear on ebay from time to time. [My copy cost $20 on ebay, including a signed letter from Jack Heuer to the (unappreciative) recipient . . . well, I shouldn't say that he was unappreciative, only that he opted for the $20 in lieu of the magazine and the letter!!]
Lots of original content; lots of great photos; definitely worth the $20 that it is likely to cost, whether for the German version through the publisher or in the "after-market" (a.k.a. "ebay").