BTW, Some of these pictures may be composites... *LINK*
BTW some of these pictures may be composites... The one with McQueen his Romantic interest, with the cars on the track in the background in particular is likely a retouch/composite image... In fact there was a thread over in the TimeZone Omega Forum last week on the topic (initially) of which watch did Steve McQueen wear in the movie Bullitt that one of these photo's was discussed and disected. Here is a post from that thread where I disected one of these photos...
I think you can rule out image flipping, since the text in the picture is all the legible. No, I'm not sure I can...
Here is the picture again... (Smaller version)... |

Now here is a version outlined with what I believe may be separate pictures composited to the original:

This picture started out with a background of the grandstands on the right side, the track with the cars, and the pitside grandstands on the left of the picture. I'm all but convinced that the image of the actress (outlined in pink) was then added to the shot, I'm very certain that this was not part of the original background photo. The brightness/contrast/texture is different from the rest of the photo and the image is very sharp edged when you compare it with it's background.
I also believe there is a very good chance that the image of Steve McQueen (outlined in light blue) was flipped from an original photo, modified and then added to the picture... The brightnesss/contrast/texture/and sharpness of the edges are distinctive from the background and the image of the actress.
Compare the images above with this screen snap directly from the DVD... |

Note that between the B&W and the DVD Snap all of the patches are in the same location except for: the Gulf stripes, the Signature name is curiously missing, the Firestone patch is missing it's middle, and the American flag patch is missing a wrinkle in the B&W photo that the suit underneath has at it's lower left corner! It is almost as if this picture was cut, mirrored and placed on an earlier photo element(s). In the movie the "Gulf Stripe" progression is Navy Blue/White/Orange, while in ,,composite,, photo, the progression is reversed/mirrored Lighter (orange)/White/Darker (Navy Blue)... Curious isn't it? And why would you not put the Gulf Patch on the Gulf Stripes/Colors? Doesn't really make sense to put the Heuer patch on those stripes and separate the Gulf patch from them...
My theory that an image was mirrored and the patches were placed on later would explain these discrepancies.
The bystanders on "Pit Row" (outlined in purple) also look to my eye like they could possibly have been placed in the photo, perhaps to add drama to the shot. Something just feels odd about their placement and the area around their feet to my eye... But then again I've been looking at this picture/seeing it on a daily basis, for over 20 years. So I've had time to see these things...
So in summary, and in my assessment (but only my assessment), this picture is a Solar/Cinema Center Films composite of at least two, probably three, and possibly four pictures.
What do you think? Am I seeing things or is there a possibility/probability that this is the result of some compositing?
Anyway, a link to the thread in TZ's Omega Forum follows if you'd like to see the rest of the discussion over there...
-- Chuck |
Which watch did Steve McQueen wear in the movie "Bullitt"?