I can tell you how to do it. I do this as a side job for certain people and for ertain watches. This is for the polish portion. The brushed portion is a bit harder and a lot easier to foul up, so email me for how to do that portion of the watch. DO NOT SKIMP on the products I tell you to use, get only the best. AND YOU MUST BE MECHANICALY INCLINED TO ATTEMPT THIS. First you have to use a bench grinder (scary sounding eh?) You must obtain a linen polishing wheel for it, do not go larger than 6" or the RPM with be to high for this application if you use a larger wheel and it will burn the tape. Then find at the LEAST, DICO red jeweler rouge or another HIGH QUALITY jewlers rouge, DO NOT GET CHEAP POLISH OR YOU WILL REGRET IT. Then get the BEST and THICKEST (8-10 mls) black electrical tape you can find. Remove the band from the watch and tape off ONE LINE OF POLISHED LINK AT A TIME and I am NOT KIDDING. Time and patience is the key to doing this and obtain a brilliant product. Apply a small amount of red rouge to the wheel and use the wheel to polish ONLY the unshielded portion of the band. DO NOT HOLD THE BAND TO THE WHEEL WITH GREAT PRESSURE OR FOR MORE THAT A COUPLE OF SECONDS!!!!! Remember you are removing metal and the more metal you remove the shorter the lifespan of the bracelet. It take me at least THREE HOURS to refurbish a regularly used bracelet properly and up to FIVE when some one has attempted to do a refurb themselves. SO BE CAREFUL!!