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Dealing with Extravagance Guilt

My guess is there are 2 classes of posters here. (please don't take this personally)

class 1 - is considering their first or replacement Omega in the 1 or 3 thousand dollar range.

class 2 - enjoys several Omegas, or one terribly expensive one totaling 6 thousand or much more.

I would like to, and can afford to "graduate" to class 2, but I feel terribly guilty doing it.

Let me explain;

At age 25 I used an Xmas bonus and bought my first $2,000 Omega that I have worn ever since. It's a wonderful and somewhat understated 18k Gold and Titanium SeaMaster.

Now in my 40's, I still love my first Omega, but I can more than afford a MUCH better one. I currently have my eye a Deville Co-Axial GMT with the 18k Gold band. This watch will set me back over $9,000 that I have managed to squirrel away exactly for this sort of purchase.

So why do I feel so guilty buying and wearing this watch?!

I have plenty of professional friends and colleagues who wear 18k Concord Saratoga's, or Gold/SS Rolex Presidential's, that all go for at least 5k and more. Their wives are dripping with diamond stud earrings, and 2 caret engagement rings with a pair of 1 caret side stones. But I'm NOT buying this expensive watch to compete with them, I swear! I just want to do it for my own personal enjoyment.

So what's my problem?!

Well, I make more money than my siblings, and with my parents on a fixed income, all anyone talks about is the money they spend on the children, the mortgage, taxes, used cars, and only the occasional vacation. So here I go strutting into the room with my $9,000 Deville that could have paid for a year of my nephews college education.

I mean, what good is getting a fancy watch if you can't wear it and enjoy it guilt free! I worked and risked a lot to save this money for this purpose, so why can't I just enjoy the prospect? I already give my family a lot of financial support, I'm very charitable, so what the heck is wrong with me!

I'm hoping others here may have grappled with this issue, and might lend some insight.

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