I'm sorry to read this John.
Hi John,
I'm very sorry to read this. I really was hoping that someone at Omega had the courage & back-bone to stand up & correct this disgusting decision.
I fail to see how a company , which is trying to improve its image & present itself as a "quality" company, can treat it's customer of 25 years in this way.
I fully understand that Omega want to go upmarket & that maybe G&M don't meet Omega's vision of their future stores, but to just not deliver an order then let a customer of 25 years know the reason for this decision in the way that Omega did .......
It's almost beyond words. It shows a complete lack of respect for people. A complete lack of feeling for customers ( & their families ).
I'm in complete agreement with the various posts that suggest that "Omega isn't what it used to be". Whenever I read a post from someone about their fathers ( or grandfathers watch ), it seems to ooze a feeling of respect, awe & compassion.
I wonder what the next generations will write about Omegas....
"This is the watch that my father paid a absolute fortune for, sent back 3 times & then gave up on. The scratches didn't come from him."
I'm disappointed.