A retraction...
After seeing "x's" missives (which have since been removed - thank you!) that followed my previous post, I sincerely apologize to all regular posters here for "feeding the fire," so to speak. I responded with some good-natured sarcasm to what I thought was a semi-friendly jibe merely to have a laugh or two. In no way did I mean for my comments to be misconstrued as nasty or even all that serious.
I have read a few other forums for other well-known brands of fine watches, and this is by far the most respectful and informative resource. It is not unusual (in my brief experience) to see posts and ensuing threads on those sites that put a great deal of effort into disparaging other brands and the people who value them. I've never seen that here in any serious sense, and for that I respect the people here. I just hope I didn't undermine that - especially for the sake of the newer readers looking for honest information, rather than a bunch of hot air from insecure people who need to prop up their sense of self-worth with a lousy wristwatch.
That said.... I still think Brosnan's OK. ;^)