Basicaly I do not have much against the Bond model. I think it even has some adventages over the new version, which at least partly were mentioned here.
Although I bought the blk/blk version and generally it suits my personal aesthetic taste more than the Bond version, I could have easyly gone for the Bond version either, except for one thing that whould have prevent me from. This one thing is the skeletonized hands. They are very nice on the aesthetical point of view, but IMHO bad on the practical one.
I think that a sport watch, and divers in particular, should be very readable. I like them to have as much contrast as possible between the hands and the dial. I mean that it would be able to read the time with a glance, not starting looking for the hands every time it's needed to know the time.
As much as I've seen, The skeletonized hands of the Bond model doesn't do it well. OTOH the sword hands of the non Bond versions are fine and highly visible and readable.
If I would have bought my SMP when there still been Bond model only, I may have gone for it, but as long as the collection offers versions with solid sword hands, I'd not buy a Bond model.
Just my opinion.
Rgrds, Baruch.