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as long as we can keep the legal proceedings here in the US, which should be the situation, we'll be good to go!! bring him on!!

If we need to go to Argentina, then we'll start the OnTheDash Legal Defense Fund, and plan a mid-winter trip, when it should be nice down there.

It amazes me that these guys offer terrible looking fakes, then get indignant when they are exposed. It's usually the loss of a sale / loss of a few dollars that sets them off.

I haven't heard back from the seller. Most likely, he is chasing down the guy who sold this one to him. I believe this particular Silverstone has a bit of mileage on it!!



: Yes, Jeff. Please challenge this guy. You are
: the legal beagle here. Go for it. This
: should provide some great entertainment.
: I'll send you a giant bag of Peanut M&Ms if
: you do it! LOL

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