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One Thing for Sure: A Hobby for "Long-Termers"

One aspect of this hobby that is both relaxing and frustrating is the (sometimes) slow pace of things. Ironic that by the time the repair is done, your tastes have moved to another place. Oh well . . . there are new enthusiasts who will be happy to have this one, if you go that direction.

One thing about the repairs that take so long: Sometimes, getting your old watch back can feel like getting a new watch!!

Thanks for providing this update.



: Many of you read my story of the hunt for an original hand. I did
: end up with two - typical !!

: Anyway, Rich over at 'thewatchspot' kindly fitted it, and all is as
: it should be! Yippee.
: I've haven't missed the watch much - a case of out of sight, out of
: mind - coupled with the annoyance of the hand being
: broken/missing by the people I bought it off. Since I have
: picked up some fantastic pieces, and since buying it all those
: months ago (15ish months I think).. my tastes have changed.. so
: the story doesn't end.. I think I'll let the Autavia travel to
: pastures new and someone else can enjoy the old thing more than
: I will.

: Still, great to have it back, I'll get some pictures up done soon.

: Cheers
: Stewart

: :

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