Re: Well, Yeah... I could, I wouldn't, you mean .. Posted By: David Alstott Date: 2/12/05 01:30 GMT
In Response To: Well, Yeah... I could, I wouldn't, you mean ... (Chicagoland Chuck Maddox)
Now with a tool called the Mac Mini there is no excuse for not improving on Windoze problems and making computer life easier and (gasp) enjoyable. Well for those of us who are long time Macintosh owners and users (I brought home my first Mac on Leap Day 1984) the Mac Mini provides an excellent low cost way to either move up to a faster machine or purchase a second (third, fourth, etc.) machine for backup purposes or for a music / video / web / file / print / etc. server, etc.
A lot of us were also fooled by electric watches but finally saw the light. Now now... Electric watches have their purposes and for many people they are a good fit. I am very fond of my tuning fork chronographs, and I just purchased a pair of Eco-Drive Chronographs that are very nice.
Just an opinion in jest. ! An opinion with a goodly amount of fact behind it. Without going into a huge thing...
Windows machines do have their strengths and uses. At this point the real strong selling points for Windows machines are a) a wider variety of software titles (especially in the Gaming market) and b) a wider breadth of specialized software and c) a larger group of people with experience utilizing the Windows platform. Nearly everything else is either in Apple's favor, dead even, or close enough that the difference is minute.
For people who are new to computers the Mini provides a powerful, flexible and largely safe from Harmware economical entry point to computing and the internet that Windows machines can't match. Sure some PC's will be cheaper, but the PC's will be the equivelent of Tribant's to the Mini's namesake the New Mini Cooper. 
I took the liberty of graphically ading the Mini's logo to the Mac mini, it doesn't really come with that.
For people who already have a recent (read USB equipped) Mac or PC, one can easily add a Mini and a KVM switch for about $80 (2-way) to $130 (4-port) street price and utilize their existing Keyboard, Mouse and Video display along side their existing setup...  Continuing to use their existing equipment.
David, have you picked up Andy Hertzfeld's "Revolution in the Valley" yet?
It has to be the best $17 (before shipping) one can spend at Amazon. The book is INCREDIBLE. Far exceeded even my expectations even after reading all of the rave reviews. Do your self a favor and order a copy if you haven't already. It's a wonderful read.