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Re: Hey Jason
In Response To: Hey Jason ()

: Working in DC I saw more than my share of Fakes
: since they are readily sold on the street
: corner and I have since been more careful
: about who I feel is wearing a real watch, so
: I won't pass judgetment on the watch until I
: can be 100% sure (or as close to it) that
: the watch is I said I am 100%
: positive all of the watches I have seen were
: in fact authentic, and heck why not?

The fakes are getting good, and the regular SMP design (the bond model), isn't that complex of a design to fake. The only way you could really tell for sure would be to examine it closely (the backs are usually done poorly) or to open it. But it's not outlandish to believe a bunch of people have the real ones either, the Quartz model is fairly cheap, and was (maybe still is) available at Costco.

I have
: seen kids working at Best Buy wearing Tag
: Heuers that cost almost two grand, who says
: the biker guy I saw at the aquarium store
: last week couldn't afford a quartz SMP, it
: isn't like we are talking alot of money here
: in the long run...

That's true, and nice watches are good gifts also for graduation and other occasions. A good watch will last a lifetime and will be a future family hierloom in many cases. And the reality is that most people CAN afford a SMP Quartz, but most don't pay that much for watches. Heck, I wouldn't pay that much for a Quartz watch, but that's just me. I have to say around here, I've seen one Rolex Sub (I see the guy at the barber shop occasionally), but no SMP. I'm in Casio country :) One man I work with has a SS and gold Omega, I don't know the model since it's older, but it's a nice watch.

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