I've been a PayPal user since...........
they started and have had no problems either as a seller or buyer, international either. In fact, I'm more likely to pass over auctions that aren't PayPal friendly anymore. PayPal won't let you use the credit card if you have a private account but will if it's a business account. It's just too big a hassle to do the money order or bank check thing and doing them online through Western Union is a ripoff. Western Union works great to transfer money since it gets anywhere almost immediately, fees are high though. Speaking of fees, my pet peave is those people that sell watches that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars yet make the buyer responsible for PayPal fees. Give me a break! Either roll the fees into the amount you have to have for the item or suck it up and be glad you had a sale. Nothing worse for a watch guy than waiting for a watch, sending payment the old fashioned way just increases the wait.